
Sponsor a Child

Sunvillage is responsible for all of the childrens living expenses, including diapers, education, medicine, clothes, food, household items and many more. Every year the children can go and visit their parents in prison. Additionally, there are many costs related to education such as school fees, job training and uniforms.

Many generous people asked us for the possibility to help us cover these costs and sponsor one child directly. We are happy we can offer this possibility now! The costs to sponsor a child for one year are approximately 5,000 RMB which is about 600 Euro or 800 US-Dollar. Please see the table below to see the costs in detail.

Items Costs per year (RMB) Explanation
Meals 3000 250RMB per month
Tuition Fees 600 60RMB per month
Medical Fees 660 55RMB per month
Visiting Parents 300 At least one opportunity will be provided to visit their parents
Daily Necessities 120 10RMB per month, other funds will come from donations
Allowance 80 Given out during the major Chinese holidays
Communication Fees 40 Contacting parents through calling and emailing
Extracurricular Fees 200 School field trips, Sunvillage field trips
Total 5000

Below you can find a list of children that currently live in Sunvillage Beijing that you can sponsor. In order to keep the homepage maintenance simple and save costs, it’s not possible to sponsor a specific child using this homepage. If you decide to sponsor a child, Sunvillage will choose a kid that has no sponsor yet. Please contact us if you want to know more about your sponsored child, such as his or her name, background and pictures. We can also arrange meetings or forward letters, which the child will answer. Individual arrangements can be made. Please get in touch with us!

Introducing some of our children in Sunvillage Beijing:
Zhang Meng
Li YuFeng & YuBing
Gao WeiWen & WeiWu
Miao TianTian

Sponsor by PayPal or Credit Card:

Monthly and Yearly Donations through PayPal or Credit Card:
Please consider sponsoring one of our children! Sponsorship is 5,000 RMB per year, which equals $800 or around 600€. Monthly payments are $67 or around 51€. If you decide to terminate your sponsorship, you can of course cancel it through PayPal at any time. You can also make General Donations with flexible amounts here.

Sponsor by Foreign Bank Transfer:

Bank Name: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Bank Address: Wanchai CTC
Bank Code: 004
Account Number: 640002929838
Beneficiary Address: Units C & D, 9/F., Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

If donors pay by foreign bank transfer, we would appreciate if they would email us their address, postal code, contact number and the remittance note number. Please you the contact form we provide on this homepage.  Write down the intended purpose of sponsorship (e.g. general donations, tree sponsor, child sponsor) so we can make according arrangements and issue a donation receipt to you. Thank you very much for supporting us!